About Me

I'm an electronics engineer. In my daily job I work on boring things like passenger information systems,
designing SoCs [System on Chips], trying to make analog and digital circuits follow the path I want them to take.
My interest in electronics started when I was 10 years old, when my dad showed me how to build an LED mannequin on some protoboard.
From that moment on, I was hooked and started reading books and magazines about electronics,
going through the catalogues of Conrad and Reichelt while sitting in the bathtub, imagining all the cool projects I wanted to try out.
My professional carreer brought me to become an electronics engineer, specializing in PCB Design, with right now 15+ years experience for example in [but not limited to]:
- Metrology
- Power Analysis
- Analog & Digital Circuitry
- Repair and Restauration of vintage Tech
At Tinkertubes Lab I let my inner child play a bit, to get my mind free of the sometimes hard and exhausting tasks of my daily job. Therefore I have absolutely no intention to make this a very serious website, its just my playground where I showcase Ideas and projects that come to my mind. The viewer is encouraged to think himself about the things I publish, and it is expected that common sense is available, accessible and known to function.
Legal Notice
Contact Information
Kai ChmieleffskiFreelance Electrical Engineer
Amrumstieg 8
22926 Ahrensburg
Email: kontakt@tinkertubes.de
Professional Regulations
- Freelance engineering activity under §18 of the German Income Tax Law (EStG)
- No trade registration required (liberal profession according to §1 of the German Partnership Act)
The project presentations on Tinkertubes Lab serve exclusively private purposes and personal knowledge exchange. No warranty is given for the technical implementation of shown projects. The shown content serves just my personal recreation without any demand for professionalism or correctness. Not a professional service - for commercial engineering consultation please contact me through my professional channels.
"VALVEX™ - Vacuum Amplifier Laboratory for Vintage EXperimentation" describes an experimental learning project for tube technology.
It is not affiliated or endorsed or in any way related to potential simmilar names or products of other industries.
Copyright Notice
All content (circuit diagrams, measurement data, technical drawings etc.), both in full and in excerpts, is protected by copyright. Commercial use requires explicit written permission.
EU Dispute Resolution
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform:
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute settlement procedures
before a consumer arbitration board.